H.F.R.I. Portal

Press Release: 2.029 proposals submitted in total under the 2nd Call of H.F.R.I. Research Projects to support faculty members (DEP) and Researchers, with a total budget of €24,500,000

Date: June 3, 2020

The submission of proposals under the 2nd Call of H.F.R.I. Research Projects to support faculty members (DEP) and Researchers with a total budget of €24,500,000, was concluded on Monday, June 1st, through the H.F.R.I. Web Portal (https://hfri.grnet.gr/).
The objective of this call is to support the implementation of selected Research projects of high scientific quality and excellence, in the framework of supporting research activity in the Country.
The total number of proposals submitted within deadline amounts to 2.029 distributed in 9 broad Scientific Areas, by selection of the person submitting the proposal, as portrayed in the following table:

Scientific Areas under the 2nd Call of H.F.R.I. Research Projects to support faculty members (DEP) and Researchers – Number of proposals

1. Physical Sciences 283

2. Engineering Sciences and Technology 375

3. Life Sciences (Medicine and Health Sciences) 469

4. Agricultural Sciences – Food Science & Technology 197

5. Mathematics and Information Sciences 161

6. Social Sciences 223

7. Humanities and Arts 127

8. Environment and Energy 146

9. Management and Economics of Innovation 48

Total Number of Proposals: 2.029


This H.F.R.I. action provides significant support in all scientific sectors, without thematic or geographical restrictions, providing faculty members (DEP) and Researchers with the capability of implementing their research, producing novel knowledge and training new generations of scientists, thus contributing to the country’s developmental prospect. The greater interest was once again received by Life Sciences, while notable interest was also
listed in the other scientific areas. Remaining loyal in its mission of supporting Research, H.F.R.I. proceeds with continuity and consistency in calling actions for utilizing the country’s academic and research potential, to date investing, for actions supporting faculty members (DEP) and Researchers alone, €89.500.000 (combined budget of the 1st and 2nd Call of H.F.R.I. Research projects to support faculty members (DEP) and Researchers).

Further information on the 2nd Call of H.F.R.I. Research projects to support faculty members (DEP) and Researchers can be accessed here.
